Johannes Schachenmayer
I'm a theoretical quantum physicist (CNRS researcher)
at the Centre Européen de Sciences Quantiques (CESQ),
a new interdisciplinary european quantum initiative at the Université de Strasbourg.
Welcome to my homepage where you can learn about my research activities and team.
Latest bits of news
18/04/2024 - New funding: 10 PhD positions available in our new EU doctoral training network on:
"Machine learning for Quantum".
For more information, see https://mlq.quantumexcellence.org/
08/12/2023 - Recordings from my lecturs at Les Houches and Cargèse are available (see Teaching).
18/07/2023 - Our recent work on: "Comparing bipartite entropy growth in open-system matrix-product simulation methods", has been published in:
G. Preisser, D. Wellnitz, T. Botzung, and J. Schachenmayer, Phys. Rev. A 108, 012616 (2023).
Habilitation (2019): Habilitation à diriger des recherches (HDR), Université de Strasbourg.
CNRS (2016): Tenured researcher position in Strasbourg.
Post-doc (2013-2016): JILA, Boulder, CO, US (group of A. M. Rey).
Visiting student/post-doc (2011-2013): University of Pittsburgh, PA, US (group of A. J. Daley).
Doctoral degree (2012): Dr. rer. nat, Universität Innsbruck, Austria.
Master degree (2008): Dipl.-Phys., Technische Universität München (TUM), Germany.