Johannes Schachenmayer

I'm a theoretical quantum physicist (CNRS researcher) at the Centre Européen de Sciences Quantiques (CESQ), a new interdisciplinary european quantum initiative at the Université de Strasbourg. Welcome to my homepage where you can learn about my research activities and team.

CESQ, Bât. 120, 23 rue du Loess
67000 Strasbourg, France
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Latest bits of news

  • 30/09/2024 - New funding: A PhD and post-doc position will be available soon, financed by a project within the French PEPR Quantique.
  • 18/04/2024 - New funding: 10 PhD positions available in our new EU doctoral training network on:
    "Machine learning for Quantum". For more information, see
  • 08/12/2023 - Recordings from my lecturs at Les Houches and Cargèse are available (see Teaching).


  • Habilitation (2019): Habilitation à diriger des recherches (HDR), Université de Strasbourg.
  • CNRS (2016): Tenured researcher position in Strasbourg.
  • Post-doc (2013-2016): JILA, Boulder, CO, US (group of A. M. Rey).
  • Visiting student/post-doc (2011-2013): University of Pittsburgh, PA, US (group of A. J. Daley).
  • Doctoral degree (2012): Dr. rer. nat, Universität Innsbruck, Austria.
  • Master degree (2008): Dipl.-Phys., Technische Universität München (TUM), Germany.



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